White wash on flaky paint wall!!

For I came not to call the righteous, but sinners! ( Bible:- Mathew 9:13) As the amour propre of being a Christian grow profound, sometimes we pretend to be righteous to ourselves or to the outside world. Woefully our Lord will leave us unjustified in our ways if we begin to feel the pride of self righteousness and look down of others. ( Luke 18:9-14). Its high time that, we who feel ourselves been pooping up on our triumphs of Christian lives to look back to the falls of greater desciples like Peter, Saul, David, Solomon etal. and repent back like a child before our saviour (Mathew 18:15)! At least sometimes in our Christian voyage we would have felt the pride not the accept our hidden or lightenned sins. Sometimes the lights thrown into our darker sides by even our loved ones have tasted bitter. But, Jesus Christ demonstrates His perfect patience on us if we opt to be like the apostel Paul who acknowledged himselves as the foremost sinner! ( 1 Timothy 1:15-16) As the...