
Showing posts from October, 2022

Chest Pain- Must Know Facts!!

Chest Pain- Must Know Facts!! Dr. Sanoop Kumar Sherin Sabu (M.B.B.S., M.D., Gen Med Resident GMKMCH Salem)   I recollect one of my patients who came to ward with complaint of right sided chest pain.   He was a young 32-year-old man, with smoking and alcohol intake history . Being   right sided pain, it was     initially considered normal by him, but on arrival   to hospital as routine   we did an ECG which was suggestive of a MI- Myocardial infarction (Heart Attack).   He was rushed for an angiogram which showed 2 major blood vessels blocked. God’s grace, He was saved..   . Another man 58-year-old gentle man, with no much addictions, while he was painting our flat, collapsed following sweating. My friend and me rushed, and found he was in cardiac arrest. We started him on CPR and shifted him to nearest private hospital, there he was given electric shock ( DC- Shock) to restart his heart pump, he was revived and then shifted to medical college. Angiogram and