
Showing posts from March, 2020

We are NOT “lockdown” to Christ!

All that you need to know to diagnose MI / ACS

Different ECG changes in MI Dr. Sanoop Kumar Sherin Sabu, Earliest change Hyper acute T wave – very tall T wave MOST SPECIFIC CHANGE Grave stone sign- ST segment elevation Evolving MI Pardle sign- ST elevation with T wave inversion Old MI Pathological q wave- depth of q wave more than 25% of R wave Atypical change to be considered as an MI New onset LBBB ( Left bundle branch block)   - in simple terms-   wide QRS complex in V5 or V6 Hyper acute T wave Grave stone sign- ST segment elevation Pardle sign-  ST elevation with T wave inversion Walls affected in MI Wall ST Elevation Reciprocal ST Depression Artery Inferior Lead 2,3,   avF 1, av L RCA Lateral wall Lead 1, avL V5, V6 2, 3, av F Left Circumflex b/o LAD Septum V1. V2

Hepatitis A

This are the flash informations given by PHS Kerala for public.