Unintentional Losses in our Life!

Unintentional Losses in our Life!

1 Samuel 9:3 – “ now the donkeys of Kish, Saul’s father were lost.  So kish told Saul his son, “ take one of the young men with you, arise and go and look for the donkey”

Sometimes, we might be so heartbroken by the losses of our lives. The hardships we would have been through, when gets shattered in a day or less, our mind may even question the creator. In all these situations, we might blame ourselves or our friends or kins. We fail to recognize the plan, Lord has for this very loss / failure that we are in.

This entire chapter 9 and 10 reveals us the hard ways  laid forward by our  creator to bring his plans in our life.   This is the first verses in the  bible about king Saul’s life.  It starts from a loss in  his  life. Yes. They lost their donkey and Saul is supposed to get it back for his father. When we read  1 Samuel 9:16- we realize that on the day before this incident, Lord had already instructed Prophet Samuel that Saul will appear to him today. And as we read chapter 9 and 10 we realize that , Saul, in spite  of  being the least of the tribes of Israel (1 Samuel 9:21) is anointed as the King of Israel. 

God would have already known that , Saul is not capable enough to understand the  vision of Lord and obey it to go to Samuel to get anointed as the King..and so Lord would have brought about this loss, 3 days walking, stresses and hardships in his life, which made him reach to the Prophet Samuel, to fulfill Gods plan in Sauls  life, as a King.

In our lives too, some unintentional losses  are God’s plans  for the future Glory  in our life. Sometimes, we might not be mature enough to hear and obey Gods words/ plans and so God will bring about some sorrows / hard times / losses in our lives. During  these days of hard times in our lives, as Saul did , Run ahead to the great Prophet of Israel to find a solutions. .and there you will find the glorious outcome Lord has prepared for you… And the greatest prophet of our lives is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

  But during all these days of losses,  reassure yourselves with  the words that Prophet Samuel told Saul- “ Do not set you minds on your donkeys which were lost 3 days ago.”  (1 Samuel 9:20)

Portions to meditate:-
1.       Loses of Josephs’ life and the Glorious outcome he had. ( Genesis 37, 38,39,40,41)
2.       Loses of Jobs life ( Book of Job )
3.       Romans 8:28- for we know that those who love God all things work together for good, and for those who are called according to his purpose.
4.       1 Corinthians 2:9- what no eyes has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him.
5.       The wine ran out of stock on the wedding of Cana for the Glory of the son of God. John 2:1-12

Prepared by Dr. Sanoop Kumar Sherin Sabu


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